The third annual conference of the Society for Emergency Radiology was held in Bangalore on September 23-25, 2016, jointly hosted by Teleradiology Solutions and Vydehi Medical College. This was the first time the Society moved South for their annual meeting, which was a refreshing change with a different cultural and academic flavor. The conference was attended by 310 faculty and delegates. The highlights were the pre-conference workshops on teleradiology and chest ultrasound. The scientific program of the Conference comprised of salient topics pertaining to imaging of acute conditions of the chest, abdomen, head and neck, and musculoskeletal systems, including trauma and non-trauma situations. Apart from leading national experts in the field, authorities from across the world- Dr Shanmuganathan and Dr Berlin from the USA, Dr Adnan Sheikh from Canada, Dr Dinesh Varma from Australia and Dr Rathachai from Thailand, shared their expertise with the delegates. Dr Ramprakash and his team at Vydehi Medical College extended their warmth and thanks to all the speakers and faculty by felicitating them with the traditional shawl and a potted plant. The comprehensive academic program was well-balanced by extremely enjoyable social events for faculty and the delegates organized by my colleague, Dr Arjun Kalyanpur at Teleradiology Solutions, which allowed for great bonding and loads of fun. Overall, a great educational and fun experience!